Is Chatbots Web Development’s Future?

Artificial Intelligence | 04-07-2020 | Dilip Tiwari

chatbots web development future

A chatbot is the short form of Chatterbot. It is highly used in many web applications. As the name suggests, it is a bot where we can chat and solve our issues and doubts. It is an artificial intelligence feature and hence, it is programmed to solve our issues depending on the website. Anyone can ask their queries to the chatbox by both text and audio methods. Chatbots are the latest development in the field of technology to provide good customer services. They help in customer engagement, lead generation, customer service, and many more.

For the past few months, many businesses have incurred huge losses due to the pandemic. Many shops and businesses were ordered to stay closed until further announcement. It created many problems for entrepreneurs. To battle the problems and to stop incurring losses, many entrepreneurs took their business online. Online business is mainly done using the website and mobile applications. A chatbot is enabled for the users on the website and applications. They help in solving customer’s issues as well as doubts.

The way chatbots have helped many web applications, it is clear that it is web development’s future. There are many reasons for having a chatbot enabled in a web application. Websites, as well as applications, have to be very user-friendly so that they can attract many customers. There are times when the user of the website would not be able to find the necessary thing available on the website, and in the process would choose to exit the website. It can prove to be a problem for the person who owns the website.

To solve these problems, it is necessary to have a chatbot. When asked, the chatbot would guide the customer through the website and help him find the necessary information for which he/she was looking for.

The competition in online businesses has increased rapidly for the past few years. It would not be possible for the customers to use all the websites or applications on the Internet. Every customer would rather go by using the website which they think is very user-friendly and fulfills their requirements. In such cases, chatbots can increase the number of customers, as many people choose websites and applications that have a chatbot.

To provide ease, web developers can also develop a cross-platform chatbot. A cross-platform chatbot is very useful as the developer will have to code only once. Moreover, they are easy to create and maintain. Apart from this, there are many reasons why a web developer should start adding a chatbox on their websites. As the name suggests, cross-platform can be used across many platforms. A cross-platform chatbot can be used on a website as well as in a mobile application. With many people preferring mobile applications over websites, web developers should surely go for cross-platform as they can save a lot of their time.

Interaction between customers:

For a website that has a huge number of customers, it won’t be possible for the staff to answer all the queries and issues of the customers. But that is not the case with a chatbot. A chatbot can help multiple customers simultaneously. Interaction with customers. In business, having customer interaction is a must. With the help of the interaction, customers can know the both pros and cons of the business which will be easily done by a chatbot.

Efficient in time for customers as well as Employees of a business:

If there is a user who is using the website for the first time, he/she may face some problems while looking for the information they need. In such cases, if the user does not find the information/content they need, they would simply leave the website. It will result in less traffic too. The availability of chatbots will solve the problem. If the users are finding it difficult to find something on the website, all they have to do is to message the chatbot regarding it, and it will help them out. Thus, also saving the time of users.

Apart from this, it also saves time for the employees of the website. With chatbot clearing users’ queries, the employees can focus on some other work that would be useful for them. Websites that belong to e-commerce, online booking requires the employees to focus on more important things. Employees working in such businesses can take good advantage of the chatbot.

24x7 Availability:

Having specific staff who will be solving the queries of the users has acted as a tradition in business for a long time. Employees cannot work the whole 24 hours solving queries but chatbot can. No matter what the time is, if a customer raises a query to the chatbot, it will reply to them back with the correct solution.

It is very useful for businesses which have customers from all over the world. Like, if the business is set in one country but there are customers from abroad. If such customers need to get information about the website, there are high chances that there will be no one to respond probably because of the time variation in different countries. But, a chatbot is always available and can solve queries without any time constraints.

One time investment:

Employees cannot work for hours solving queries of users. Moreover, if a customer asks for the same query again and again due to some problems, the employee doesn’t need to reply in a soft tone only. But a chatbot will reply to the solution to a problem no matter how many times it is asked. No matter how easy the questions are, or how many times the same question is asked, the chatbot will keep solving the queries of the customer.

Moreover, if a business has just opened, it may not be possible for them to pay the employees monthly. In that case, a chatbot can be used as it requires a one-time investment. No investment is needed as long as the website owner thinks that there should be some changes to the chatbot. Hence, a chatbot is very cost-effective for the business. The maximum amount of investment of a company is saved due to Chatbot.

Chatbot Evolution:

We have witnessed many developments in technologies. Some of the technologies never have an end. The chatbot is one of them. The chatbot is evolving from time to time, and within a few years, it will act more like humans while replying. The number of businesses using a chatbot is increasing day by day due to this. Currently, about 40% of the major websites use chatbots for their customer’s assistance. In a few years, more than 70% of the websites will be using chatbot which was revealed through the statistical graph.

The recent developments in chatbot include customer analysis. Shortly, businesses will be able to know more about customer insights by using a chatbot. Moreover, advanced chatbots can even reply to the emails sent by the customers. Providing good customer service and support to the users is what helps the business to grow. Support to the customers can be easily provided using chatbots.

With many technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning being developed day by day, a chatbot is also becoming more efficient day by day. Soon, we won’t be able to differentiate between a human being and chatbot while communicating. Chatbots surely have great as well as mandatory web development in the future.

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Dilip Tiwari

Dilip Tiwari is an SEO Expert at Universal Stream Solution. Universal Stream Solution is a web development company in Atlanta. That helps startups to enterprise companies in mobile & web technology.