Best Techniques to Optimize the Performance of the React App

Mobile App Development | 02-06-2022 | Hitesh Chauhan

best techniques to optimize the performance of the react app

React is an example of a UI framework that is regarded as the fastest in terms of rendering. Although its virtual DOM is known for efficiently rendering components, performance difficulties in medium to big web applications are still possible. In fact, it employs a number of innovative approaches to reduce the number of time-consuming DOM operations required to refresh the user interface. While this will result in a speedier user experience in many circumstances without particularly optimizing for performance, there are still techniques to speed up your React application. So, if you want to improve the speed of your React app, get React js development services from a reputable web development company.

Best Techniques that can Boost the Speed of React App

No doubt, react offers many advantages, but boosting the performance of the React app can be tricky. So, we have discussed the technique of how you can optimize the speed of your react app.

Remove any unnecessary renderings

Redundant renderings are a common React issue that can quickly degrade your application's performance. Moreover, structuring the state flow pragmatically helps to avoid redundant renders. We have mentioned some points that the professional needs to keep in mind to use the application state while writing components.

Use the derived state

The professionals should avoid the use of the state to store the data on the fly. Because derived variables will automatically recalculate anytime their source changes, this simplifies data syncing. If you want to take help, hire a React js developer to boost the speed.

Selective about components

When the professionals provide the information to the components, they keep it in mind. And every piece of state can cause re-rendering that you pass to them. So, always ensure that you pass the only required information to your components. Also, clean up the props that are not used.

Pass primitives and flattened props

Try passing flattened and simplified representations of things as props instead of complete objects. Using complicated, deeply nested objects as props could result in unexpected renderings and side consequences for your components. Using flattened objects and primitives as props makes future optimization of your components much easier.

Use memo, useMemo, and useCallback

The memo, useMemo, and useCallback are React utility functions for memorizing and lowering the size of components. These three functions are the most crucial tools for improving React performance.

However, be careful how and where you use them in your code. In fact, you can engage with professionals by getting bespoke react js development services from a well-versed web development agency. There are situations when using these functions yields no results. Wrapping your component in a memo, for example, will not help reduce the number of re-renders if your re-renders are driven by a regularly updated context.

Render Conditionally instead of hiding with CSS

Indeed, this is the most common error the react js developers make in the beginning. If they need to hide components from the user, they employ CSS properties like opacity or visibility.

However, in terms of performance, this is insufficient. Even if the components are not visible to the user, they remain in the DOM. Instead, use conditional logic to prevent the component from being rendered.

Use React Profiler

ReactProfiler is a performance tool that allows you to track the timing of your components. By installing React Dev tools, you may utilize React Profiler. The Profiler will show you how frequently and for how long each component in your app renders. You can then use this data to improve performance by remembering pricey components or eliminating needless renderings entirely.

Redux vs. local state

Redux is a functional library for keeping track of your application's state. However, one should not overuse it. It is ideal for data that is genuinely global, such as user sessions or app themes.

While Redux does a few things to improve its efficiency, if you use it for frequent events like tracking user input, it will still take a toll on your project.

Because a global state is usually slower than a local state, use the local state wherever possible. The component composition can typically address the prop drilling difficulty that occurs with using local state.

Web Workers

The Web Worker API allows you to segregate computationally intensive processes from the main thread. Let's say your app wants to perform a complex serialization function. Because of the single-threaded nature of the JavaScript run-time, it will cause your application to freeze or significantly slow down. Instead, you may use a web worker to perform your code.

Utilize fragments

You may group a list of children with React fragments without adding extra nodes to the DOM. Each component in React must have its own root node. Many people use divs for this function by default, however, this isn't always the greatest option. A huge number of divs can slow down your app's performance. By allowing you to group numerous React nodes without adding new nodes to the DOM, you can avoid this problem.


Although optimizing React performance might be hard. So, adopting these easy approaches will help you speed up your application. Otherwise, you can get React js development services to implement these steps on your app.

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Hitesh Chauhan

Hitesh Chauhan is a compelling content contributor who works with the prominent React Js Development company, The Brihaspati Infotech which serve bespoke react js development services. He has an attentive mindset and definite interests in advanced technologies and marketing tactics that encourage him in writing content that readers greet. His eagerness toward multiple heads makes his pieces more audible and engaging.