How Digital Transformation is Transforming Logistics and Supply Chain Industry

Software | 14-04-2023 | Akshita Mehta

How Digital Transformation is Transforming Logistics and Supply Chain Industry

The logistics and supply chain industry has undergone a significant transformation due to technological advancements. With the increasing demand for faster and more efficient supply chains, businesses are turning to digital solutions to enhance their operations. This process is known as supply chain digital transformation, which involves integrating digital technologies into supply chain management.

Digital transformation in supply chain management is termed as the excessive use of digital technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and big data analytics to efficiently streamline supply chain operations. It enables businesses to manage their supply chains more efficiently and accurately, reducing costs and improving customer satisfaction. Digital transformation also helps companies identify inefficiencies in their operations and make informed decisions based on real-time data.

In today's highly competitive market, digital transformation is essential for logistics and supply chain companies to remain relevant and competitive. By adopting digital technologies, businesses can optimize their processes and operations, increase supply chain visibility, and improve the customer experience.

A report by Grand View Research was published earlier. It suggests that the global logistics software company market size is expected to reach USD 24.6 billion by 2025. It is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.8% from 2020 to 2025. The report attributes this growth to the increasing adoption of digital technologies and the need for end-to-end visibility in supply chain management.

Supply chain digital transformation is rapidly changing the logistics and supply chain industries. It is essential for businesses to embrace digital technologies to stay competitive and meet the increasing demands of the market. With the expected growth of the logistics software development services market, businesses that invest in digital transformation will undoubtedly reap the benefits of increased efficiency and profitability.

Traditional Vs. Digital Supply Chain: A Comprehensive Overview

The logistics and supply chain industry has undergone a significant transformation with the adoption of digital technologies. Traditional supply chains used to be paper-based, manual, and often relied on physical paperwork to transfer data from one point to another.

Communication and collaboration between stakeholders were done through phone calls, emails, and physical meetings, which often led to delays, errors, and inefficiencies. However, with the emergence of digital transformation in supply chains, the industry has become more digitized, automated, and data-driven. Let's have a look at how both supply chains differ:

Traditional Supply Chains

Traditional supply chains are paper-based, manual, and often rely on physical paperwork to transfer data from one point to another.
Communication and collaboration between stakeholders are done through phone calls, emails, and physical meetings.

It is challenging to track inventory in real-time, and it is difficult to make quick decisions based on real-time data.

Traditional supply chains often have a high degree of inefficiency and are prone to errors and delays.

Digital Supply Chains

After the incorporation of technology in logistics and supply chains, this industry has become digitized, automated, and data-driven.

Supply chain digitization involves using technologies like IoT, AI, and blockchain to create a more connected, efficient, and transparent supply chain.

The on demand app development is a prime example of digital transformation in logistics, which enables companies to offer quick and convenient delivery services to their customers.

Digital supply chains enable real-time tracking of inventory, which helps in optimizing inventory management and reducing waste.

The adoption of digital technologies in logistics has improved supply chain visibility, increased operational efficiency, reduced costs, and improved customer satisfaction.

Digital supply chains have also enabled companies to collaborate with their partners and stakeholders more effectively and efficiently, improving communication and decision-making.

We can see that, with real-time tracking of inventory, more efficient communication, and data-driven decision-making, digital supply chains have revolutionized the way the industry operates, making it more efficient, transparent, and customer-centric.

Benefits of Digital Transformation in the Supply Chain Industry

Digital transformation has brought several benefits to the supply chain industry, including improved efficiency, increased visibility, agility, responsiveness, and cost reduction. Digital solutions for logistics have enabled companies to optimize their operations, improve collaboration, and provide better customer service, ultimately leading to a more competitive and sustainable industry. Let's have a look at its benefits:

Improved Efficiency

The use of digital solutions for logistics has improved efficiency in the supply chain industry. The real-time tracking of inventory enables companies to optimize their inventory management and reduce waste.

Digital solutions for logistics have enabled quick and convenient delivery services to customers, which has improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Increased Visibility

Digital transformation has improved supply chain visibility, enabling companies to monitor their entire supply chain from end to end. This helps companies identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies and make data-driven decisions to improve performance.

It has enabled companies to track their shipments, providing real-time updates to customers, which has increased transparency and trust.

Agility and Responsiveness

Logistics digital transformation has made supply chains more agile and responsive to changes in demand. Real-time tracking of inventory allows companies to respond quickly to fluctuations in demand, ensuring that they have the right amount of inventory at the right time.

It has enabled companies to collaborate more effectively with their partners, improving communication and decision-making.

Cost Reduction

Digital transformation has reduced costs in the supply chain industry. Improved efficiency and visibility have led to cost savings in inventory management, transportation, and logistics operations.

Digital solutions for logistics have reduced the need for physical paperwork and manual data entry, leading to cost savings in administrative tasks.

Tech Trends in Supply Chain Digital Transformation

Tech trends are transforming the logistics and supply chain industry, making it more efficient, transparent, and customer-centric. By adopting these digital technologies, companies can improve their operations, reduce costs, and provide better service to their customers. Let's have a brief look at them:

IoT (Internet of Things)

IoT devices are being used to track goods and shipments in real-time, providing valuable data to optimize inventory management and reduce waste.

AI (Artificial Intelligence)

AI-powered tools are being used to improve forecasting accuracy and demand planning, enabling companies to better predict customer demand and optimize their operations accordingly.


Blockchain technology is being used to improve transparency and trust in supply chain transactions. It provides a tamper-proof, secure, and decentralized platform to share information among stakeholders.


Robotics and automation are being used to streamline operations in warehouses and distribution centers, improving efficiency and reducing labor costs.

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality (AR) is being used to enhance the accuracy and speed of order picking and packing processes. AR glasses equipped with barcode scanners, voice recognition, and other technologies allow workers to perform tasks with greater speed and accuracy.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is being used to improve collaboration and communication among supply chain stakeholders. Cloud-based platforms enable the real-time sharing of information and data, making it easier to manage operations across multiple locations and partners.

Steps to Digitizing the Supply Chain

According to a recent survey, more than 61% of companies believe that digitizing their supply chain is important for staying competitive. With the rise of e-commerce and the increasing demand for faster and more efficient delivery, digitizing the supply chain has become a necessity for logistics and supply chain companies. Here are some essential steps to follow to achieve a successful supply chain digital transformation.

Conduct an assessment

Start by assessing the current state of your supply chain and identifying areas that need improvement. Determine what technology solutions will be needed to achieve your goals.

Set clear goals

Define clear goals and objectives for your digital transformation efforts. This will help you prioritize investments and measure the success of your initiatives.

Identify the right technology solutions

Identify and evaluate technology solutions that align with your goals and objectives. Consider factors such as cost-effectiveness, compatibility, and scalability with your existing systems.

Develop a roadmap

Develop a detailed roadmap for your digital transformation efforts. This should include timelines, milestones, and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success.

Build a cross-functional team

Build a cross-functional team with representatives from all areas of your supply chain to ensure buy-in and collaboration.

Pilot and refine

Start with a pilot project to test and refine your solutions before scaling up. Use data analytics to measure the success of your pilot and make adjustments as needed.

Continuous improvement

Digital transformation is an ongoing process. Continuously monitor and evaluate your efforts to ensure they are aligned with your goals and adjust as needed to drive ongoing improvements.

Examples of How Digital Transformation is Changing the Logistics Industry

The digital transformation has brought about significant changes in the logistics industry, impacting everything from warehousing and delivery to tracking and collaboration. Here are some examples of how it's transforming the industry:

Real-time tracking

The use of digital solutions for logistics has made it possible to track shipments in real-time, providing greater visibility and transparency across the entire supply chain.

Automated warehousing

The digital transformation has enabled the implementation of automated warehousing solutions, such as robotics and artificial intelligence, which improve efficiency and reduce labor costs.

On-demand delivery app development

The rise of on-demand delivery apps, made possible through digital transformation, has revolutionized the logistics industry, allowing for faster and more efficient delivery of goods.

Predictive analytics

The use of data analytics and predictive modeling has become increasingly common in logistics and supply chain management, allowing companies to optimize their operations and make more informed decisions.

Collaborative platforms

Digital platforms that facilitate collaboration between different stakeholders in the supply chain, such as shippers, carriers, and freight forwarders, have improved communication and streamlined processes.

Blockchain technology

The use of blockchain technology in logistics has the potential to increase transparency and reduce fraud by creating a secure and tamper-proof record of transactions across the supply chain.

Why Owebest Technologies is Your Ideal Choice for Developing Digitized Supply Chain and Logistic Solutions

Owebest Technologies is an ideal choice for developing digitized supply chain and logistics solutions for several reasons. Firstly, our team of experts has years of experience developing customized solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients. We understand the challenges faced by the logistics industry and have the technical expertise to deliver efficient and effective solutions.

Additionally, Owebest Technologies prioritizes customer satisfaction and offers 24/7 support to ensure that our clients are always satisfied with the end result. Our commitment to quality and innovation sets us apart in the field of supply chain digitization and makes us a top choice for businesses looking to transform their logistics operations.


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Akshita Mehta

Akshita Mehta is a passionate Digital Marketer and a Technical Content Strategist at Owebest Technologies. She has 3 years of extensive experience in Digital Marking, management, and other topics that create a lasting impact on the audience. She holds a postgraduate degree in Masters of Business Administration and has worked in a variety of fields.