Effective Tactics to Improve Your Website Design In London

Web Design | 07-12-2022 | Aurora Aly

effective tactics to improve your website design in london

More than half of the U.K., 73%, to be precise, utilize web-design London companies to help their brands make a mark against their competition. This vast number says something regarding the significance of having a beautiful, high-quality web design.

It's not only that, but 38% of visitors are likely to leave an unattractive website. On the other hand, a beautiful website could boost your sales. Your website's style is crucial to your brand's image, customers' loyalty, brand image, and sales. If you're not satisfied with the current design of your site, it’s time to upgrade the design of your site. This page will give you seven web enhancement ideas that will aid you in improving the design of your website quickly.

While the results may take some time to appear, the suggestions we share will instantly improve the overall appearance of your site. If you're keen on learning how to improve the design of your website, read on! In terms of designing websites, we will discuss effective tactics to improve your website design in London.

Effective Tactics to Improve Your Website Design London:

1. Be clear and strong in your message for your brand:

How to improve a poorly produced website? Your website should present the image that you would like the entire world to view, and the best part is that by using web design, you can control the image completely. Regarding physical design, this means placing your logo or key message in the upper left-hand corner - the screen portion where our eyes are naturally attracted.

2. Offer a precise, concise method of navigation:

A skilled web designer will ensure they utilize design strategies to guide users around the site and screen. Differentiated sub-sections and even the site map will provide an easy-to-follow navigation path. At the same time, proper use of location color, contrast, and scale can assist in focusing attention. Use one menu for navigation, remain constant across the entire site, use sub-navigation, and make it clear by avoiding drop-down menus.

3. Create a user-friendly interface that is simple to use:

Visitors are fickle and go to another site if a page is difficult or slow to navigate. Therefore, make sure navigation buttons are clear and easily identified - towards the very top is recommended and should have links directly from page pages so that the user can swiftly switch to another page whenever something grabs their attention. Also, ensure you stick to the features that users have been conditioned to. For instance, when text is highlighted, the user will likely expect it to be a link.

4. Maintain the same consistency:

Users want to know where they are on an online site. If the layout of a site is drastically altered or if it appears to be different, visitors may become disengaged and may begin to become confused. Keep a consistent and professional image by ensuring that everything matches everything from the size of headings and typefaces to the design, color, and style of images.

5. Simple is best:

The primary reason for using websites is that they should be easy and quick to utilize. For this, the simplicity of a website is essential.

Short, relevant information should be accessible by pressing one button. Nowadays, internet users don't have time to wait around, so ensure that the site can be scanned. This means you should not be scared to use lots of white space (read put in). There's a reason for this the eyes don't operate linearly. When given a chance, they will absorb more information and then narrow it down to the area of interest from the larger image.

6. It should be easy to understand:

Visitors who visit your site will likely not want to stay for any time, so ensure everything is simple to comprehend, from navigation to content. Many Web Design London companies could help make the content on a webpage easier to comprehend. Think of smaller sentences, larger font sections, and sections distinguished by color and contrast, and, as we've already mentioned, making good use of space. There are a few common guidelines in this regard: do not employ more than three fonts or more than three different sizes for a font. Also, keep the text lines to 18 words, 50 to 80 characters maximum!

7. Gradually degrade:

There aren't all users with the most up-to-date computer and the fastest internet to ensure that the code you write is as easy as possible without compromising the required features. HTML code should be able to degrade quickly and not cause slowdowns or cause issues with less powerful computers. On the other hand, it can cause a computer issue with your visitor. Hence, you'll be able to guarantee that the customer will never return for more and recommend your website to others!

8. Make sure you write it with your targeted audience in mind:

When writing or requesting a copy for your site, think about your primary viewers. This medium bombards users with as much information as possible. Keep the information concise and use layman's terms when appropriate. You can also include a glossary when technical terms are necessary. To get more visitors to your site through search engine optimization (SEO), it is important to know the keywords users will use when searching. These keywords are in your content whenever it is necessary to boost your website into search engine listings.

9. Consider usability:

A website that needs improvement should be considered in its usability. At the end of the day, if your site isn't user-friendly, users will leave just as fast as the click of a mouse. Therefore, when designing your website, think about the end user's experience with the site.

It's beneficial to create an outline of what users will need to visit your website and verify that they are simple to accomplish and, if needed, are accessible on the homepage. E.g., Start shopping, Latest offers, Schedule an appointment, etc. Then, start testing early, and through the entire process, test and check again. The only way to ensure your website is as user-friendly as possible would be to try it with people who are ignorant about your company.

10. Check to see if it's in compliance:

A well-designed website should follow specific guidelines. For instance, all websites designed through Alchemy Interactive - a London web design company based in London - adhere to the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI). The WAI ensures that its sites are accessible and suitable for disabled people. It covers certain aspects of web design, like screen flickering, for instance - as required by The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).


If you're not satisfied with the design of your website but don't know what's required to take your site to the next step, then Web Design London company can assist you.

We can not only review your website for problems, but we'll assist you in brainstorming new ideas for design, revamping your branding, increasing your site's speed, and more. We can even create websites entirely from scratch in just 30 days! We've been designing beautiful websites for more than 13 years, and up to now. Are you interested in knowing more about what our clients think of us? Please take a look at our client reviews to get an understanding of the reasons why companies choose to trust our web design and marketing strategies to us.

If you're interested in working with a web designer who can improve your web design get in touch with us through our website.

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Aurora Aly

This post is published by Aurora Aly.