Web Apps | 09-05-2024 | Emily White
Digital transformation has led to numerous changes, where traditional methods have advanced, and the advent of new technologies has opened varied opportunities. One such is the evolution of web apps. Though web apps have been on the market for a long time, they have emerged as the premier choice for almost every business type.
Previously, websites were the primary way to obtain information or connect with a business. The roadblocks were the limited scope of interactivity and performance, leading to increased bounce rates, lower leads, and less engagement. The evolution of web apps has changed this narrative. With their responsive, interactive, and engaging platforms, web apps have changed our web interactions, providing a promising opportunity for growth and success.
However, developing web apps that can provide essential functionality to a business is a complex process. Opting for web app development services is ideal for solving this intricacy. The expert team will help solve the complex development maze by completing the development process exactly as you want.
Web applications work within a browser and are stored on a remote server. This means a user can access a web app using a browser, reducing the need to install it. They are developed using web development technologies. Unlike native applications that require specific code for different platforms or devices, web apps are platform-agnostic. Web applications store and retrieve data through server-side scripting; client-side scripting helps present the stored data via server-side scripts on the user interface.
These can be used for online retailing, food ordering, holiday booking, graphic design, and many more without performing any configuration or installation. Various leading companies have stepped forward, applied this change, and seen a positive outcome. Canva, online calculators, and online games are some of the premier examples.
You might be curious to know how these innovative web solutions work. They follow a workflow that involves the user sending a request to the server, which then forwards the request to the web application server. Here's how a web application works:
This is how a web application works when a user requests any information.
You understand how a web application works but might be curious about its types. There are various web apps based on your project type, the technology stack of your web app’s functionality, performance, development speed, and scalability. Let’s understand some of the main ones:
These are simple web applications that include raw or basic markup languages like HTML and CSS. They are best used for creating portfolios or digital brochures. The problem is that the content within these apps only changes when developers do that.
Unlike static web applications, interactive web applications involve more than just basic development language, making them more intricate and complex. Utilizing server- and client-side scripting in them allows real-time change in content.
These are websites that work under the shell of a mobile application. Unlike other web apps, PWAs are installable and offer better web capabilities. They can also work even when there is no access to the internet. This is because of a service worker (a JS script) that runs in the background of a web browser and acts as a proxy between the browser and the network.
A single-page web application loads a single HTML page and updates the content dynamically based on users' queries. SPAs are different from traditional web applications in that you do not have to wait for a whole page to load; instead, only what you have requested will be changed dynamically. This reduces a page's loading time and minimizes interruptions, which ultimately helps provide a better user experience.
As the name suggests, multipage web applications have more than one page. Every page is created separately and served from the server as a new HTML document. These drastically differ from single-page applications, as they load the entire page to fetch the requested information. MPAs are highly suitable for websites with complex structures and extensive databases, from eCommerce to educational platforms.
Web applications have become a popular choice for businesses of all sizes. Over the years, three main web application types—SPAs, MPAs, and PWAs—have gained significant traction. Why? The rise of new technologies has shifted users' interest towards the usage of web applications, and more prominently, three of them. Websites and web apps are indeed equally important for a business, but web applications offer a range of benefits over traditional desktop-based applications.
Web applications are easily accessible from any device, whether a laptop, tablet, or mobile phone, and on any platform. This allows a business to expand its market reach by providing easier accessibility to users across varied device types.
Web application development requires less investment than traditional software development. Developing a web app requires less hardware and functionality. Moreover, various frameworks, libraries, and tools like low-code platforms can be utilized to develop a web app. These tools help a business reduce the excessive effort of writing codes and simplify the development process. As a result, this will minimize the cost of building a web application.
Updates to a mobile application can become a headache for a business. One of the benefits of web application development is that you do not have to update it continuously. Unlike desktop or mobile applications, a web app updates automatically. The URL of a web app changes to the latest version when it updates, and the best thing is that it is accessible to everyone without any time boundaries.
Traditional software development takes longer than web app development because of its inherent complexity. As software can interact with the hardware and might require integration with other systems, this will require more coding hours, automatically increasing the development time. On the other hand, web applications leverage built-in tools and frameworks for standard functionalities. This will help web developers focus on developing unique features and delivering a consistent experience across devices.
A web application is not a new word in the web development industry. These have been in the market since 1999; over time, they have updated themselves, whether in appearance or functionality. Various web apps have evolved over the years, changing how we interact with the web. But can these web solutions bridge the two sides of a coin: innovation and functionality? Finding it becomes essential for a business, as changing user needs and the volatile nature of the market are widely evident, which makes sustainability hard. Let’s understand this aspect:
Undoubtedly, websites provide a bucket full of information in the domain a particular website is built upon, which a user can grab after landing. But the advent of modern technologies and their excessive reliance on the internet led to poor performance, which can seriously impact a business's growth. Also, some websites lack features like push notifications, offline accessibility, and advanced functionalities that users have come to expect from a native app.
Conversely, a web app has all these features, which is more prominent in a PWA. This web app type looks exactly like a native application, which can be installed from the website. After installation, you can identify them with an icon that native apps have. Also, a PWA offers features like advanced animations, push notifications, offline accessibility, and more to enhance users' browsing experience.
user experience plays an important role in a web application's success. Over the years, we have seen various changes in web apps, one of which is the integration of technologies that enable real-time data processing. Today, web apps are modern not only because they are built using the new tech stack but also as per the changing needs of users. WebSocket, server-sent events (a standard HTTP technology), WebRTC, and other technologies enable real-time data processing.
Utilization of these technologies enables bidirectional communication between the client and server. The benefit is that users get instant updates, notifications, insights, faster response times, and more. Google Docs, live chat messaging apps, trading platforms, Canva, and more are examples of web apps using this feature. Processing and displaying data in real-time enhances the user experience. A web app does this by providing immediate communication and collaboration capabilities.
Improvements in web application development are evident, as the first type of this technology was more of a static version. As years progressed, the types, features, and functionalities have changed, benefiting businesses and users (as users can access content quicker than before). The reshaping of time and technology has opened varied opportunities in the web app market. The advent of AI, ML, and other advanced features in these solutions has simplified their usage and obtaining information. Brands like Netflix and Amazon utilized ML in their web app to identify user behavior and provide personalized product recommendations.
The current market is merciless. Whether you are an established enterprise or just starting your venture, you will likely fall behind the competition if you are not versatile and adaptable. The web app industry has also seen some remarkable changes, and various known names, like Internet Explorer, Yahoo Messenger, MySpace, and others, have left behind this curve because of non-adaptability and slow updates. However, several names in the market have been versatile and worked on this, and their growth is hidden from whom.
Now that you have understood the benefits, types, working processes, and how web apps have benefited various businesses, you are looking to develop a web app for your business. But how can you create one? What is the process? These might be the questions that are troubling you. Let’s understand the development process of a web application:
Every project begins with a problem that it will solve. Before beginning anything, start by identifying the problem area. This is also a stage of ideation. Based on the issue you have observed, it becomes essential to create a plan with the end goals of your web app.
Preparing a wireframe is essential after analyzing the problem and creating a plan. To do this, you can opt for web app development services. They will create a proper blueprint for the web solution, from the required resources to the tools and technologies needed.
After setting up the wireframing, focus on building the architecture of your web app. It works like a backbone, enabling your web app to respond appropriately to each request. Every web app is multifaceted and has various layers, from the business layer to the data server layer. Every layer's work is different, enabling a web app to perform optimally.
This is the stage where a web app development company will help you build the desired web solution. The design and development process will be based on the wireframe and architecture of a web app. From creating the source code to integrating business logic, every step is performed in this stage with precision.
More than half of the work is completed in the development stage, but the developed web solution is not ready for launch without complete testing. There might be flaws left, which can cause issues with the work. Testing is the stage where bugs, whether related to functionality or any design error, will be solved. When you hire web developers, they will perform the mandatory testing, from usability to manual, to ensure that the developed application will perform optimally.
After the required testing, a web application is ready to launch. Like a website, it is hosted on a server. You have to buy a domain name and host your web app.
Web applications have changed the way users interact. From providing dynamic content updates to offline accessibility, these web solutions offer various advantages. Google Docs, Salesforce, Canva, etc. are prominent examples of these web app types. However, developing a web application is not as easy as it seems. You must be aware of the complex process of developing it, which requires expertise and experience.
The better decision is to hire web developers to help you create the right web app for your business. When hiring an expert team, remember to follow key considerations like portfolio assessment, checking on reviews and ratings, etc. The right team will help you develop a web solution for your business needs.